A while back, it was around my birthday, when everything wasn't so hectic, Zotawny offered to make me a graphic. Needless to say I took her up on it right away. And I gave her so many suggestions on what I wanted, that, well, by the time she finished I had more than one.
This one she just took from one I had saved and added my name to it, but I still love it!
I forget to add them to my emails like I should... that's what they were for, but since I don't I thought I would post them here... Some were in motion,but it appears that's not going to happen on the blog... Too bad... I'll have to add them to an email afterall just so you can see them... but for now, I wanted to show you these anyway. They are too beautiful to just rest in my computer... and I wanted you all to enjoy them as much as I do!
Aren't these just the best ever!!! I LOVE THEM!
Thanks so much Zoe!
Ain't it the truth. meb
Aren't these just the best ever!!! I LOVE THEM!
Thanks so much Zoe!
Ain't it the truth. meb
Now, that was a GREAT way to start my day!!!
meb, thanks for sharing with us!
Zoetawny, your talents are amazing!!
What a gift.
(( hugs ))
I love that last one in particular!
The Texas Woman
These are amazing! And some are so funny. :)
Came here from Jackie's blog just to check your blog out. Hi MEB.
Great work Zoetawny! Thank you meb for sharing.
Zoetawny is so creative and clever. Aren't we lucky to know her? Thanks for sharing those graphics with us. They made me smile and a few made me laugh!
Great job as usual Zoe. Thanks for sharing them Marge.
Fantastic! Isn't Zoetawny great?
BTW - If you send me the animated versions in email, I can upload them to my Photobucket account and it's easy to make them animate in your blog. Let me know!
Whoa!! Now I'm a bit embarrassed to see a showcase of some of my graphics. Sometimes I look back and wonder what I did to get the finished results.
I'm glad you're enjoying the graphics. You are so proficient with your blog now. I only wish I had more time to stop by here for a visit. Thanks for sharing your good news in your email. I replied just before I found my way here.
So, Photobucket is the secret to uploading .gif files to a blog. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us. You ROCK!
Blushing from all the compliments here...thanks everyone!
susan in fl... Hi... thanks for stopping by... and thanks for the comment...
Zoetawny...so glad to came over to check this out... I wanted you to see it. Love your avitar...
My goodness, these are all so wonderful. Gotta love Zoetawny and her endless creativity. No two graphics look the same. I would love to know what you told her you wanted -- obviously you said animals...!
She made an animated few for me to post when I was helping out on Jackie's blog during her knee op and I could not get them to transfer animated for the life of me. I don't feel so bad now!
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